Monday, March 4, 2013

A New Year

   Last year, I had tried getting with some people for my project, but unfortunately, it never worked out. I dove into other projects that were taking off with the plan of blogging again once I started shooting for this collection. I am hoping to get time & make things work trying to get people & their stories together this year. Here's to reaching that goal! So, if anyone would like to get with me about their life experience, I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A week and a half ago I took our sons downtown. I brought them to an event called, "To Holland, With Love" created by the group, "Until love is equal". It was great seeing all of the supporters & having our picture taken. Here's the link:

I look forward to going to more supportive events with my children for love equality!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Photos, Please!

I have one subject in mind that I need to get together with to really start this project. Now that the weather is warmer, I hope I can get more subjects lined up for this. If you or anyone you know has a story or experience, good or bad, about LGBT, let me know so you can be a part of this. Together we can work for an equal love world!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is slavery really gone?

As far as I am concerned, it isn't. Telling a person they can't marry b/c they are gay is sexual orientation slavery. I hate how people use the bible to defend their beliefs & put others down. They look past not judging their neighbors & condemn them. Not all religious people are so closed minded. Not all believers in the bible are straight! How many forms have you seen tell you it is against the law to deny someone a job or housing b/c of religion, race, disability or sexual orientation? Yet, people are denied marriage? These same people don't like the government telling them what they can or can't do with their guns or other amendment rights, but feel they can impose their views onto others? How is it fair to let people vote on someone else's life as to who they want to be with? Having that kind of intimate control of someone's life is like slavery to me. I think that anyone who is able to vote is more than capable to be able to marry. LGBT isn't going anywhere, not letting them marry isn't going to make them all turn straight. If anything, they should find a way to get into business to exploit it, because once LGBT gets the right to marry, business will be booming, LOL! But really though- Say no to Sexual Orientation Slavery!

Monday, February 13, 2012

I believe in love

   Love. It's a silly emotion. So complex, confusing, chemicals... that's right, chemicals! Who are we to tell someone what they feel is wrong? I do get kinda sappy on the subject, defensive, down right political. Sometimes, it's the only thing I am political about. I can't unload all of my thoughts on it in one post. But what I want to do is let people know that I am interested in telling a story. Your story. I am for LGBT rights. I believe that people are who they are & that love should be expressed. I also want to help people get their voice out there. Even if you aren't "out", or if you're confused, help me let other people know it's ok to be you. Only strength in numbers & support for people as PEOPLE will concur. BTW- I am married. I have 2 boys with my husband & I do not put what I am interested in on social networks b/c I think it's silly. (that silly part is to be read in a humerus tone, not a pissy one.)
   So in short, I am for LGBT rights. I am a photographer & this is a working project. If you are interested to tell your story it can be named or anonymous. I am in the Grand Rapids area, but if you are too far, you can send an image & your story & I will work with you.